Dunnington Emergency Plan – Community Volunteer Responsibilities and Roles
Dunnington Emergency Plan Community Volunteers Roles (PDF file)
You should never put yourself at any risk - that is why the Emergency Services will be called.
Until they arrive you will be responsible to one of the Parish Council Lead Contacts in the Community Emergency Plan (March 2023) (PDF file).
You will not be expected to do anything which is the job of the police, fire or ambulance service.
Roles - under the direction of a Parish Council Lead Contact then the Major Incident Team
Initially - if Major Incident Team have not arrived
- Opening rest centres if required
- Collect Emergency Boxes, from Reading Room and Sports Club
- Encourage residents to move to rest centres
- Setting up areas for residents within rest centres
- Logging all volunteers on duty
- Logging people in and out of the building
- Logging any medical issues to pass on to paramedics
- Logging out anyone who leaves the rest centre
- Providing reassurance and refreshments
- Offer support to anyone who is distressed
- Provide practical support e.g. contacting family members
- Advise primary school, medical practice and local businesses.
- Message on Parish Council website
- Message on This is Dunnington Facebook Page
- Poster on Parish Council notice board plus Reading Room and Cherry Tree Court and Derwent Estate boards
- Working with other volunteers
- Continue all of above under direction of Major Incident Team
- Provide local information to the Major Incident Team
- Door knocking in the recovery phase, under direction of Major Incident Team, to provide information to residents and businesses
When Major Incident Team Arrive
- Continue all of above under direction of Major Incident Team
- Provide local information to the Major Incident Team
What other roles could you be involved in?
- Door knocking in the recovery phase, under direction of Major Incident Team, to provide information to residents and businesses