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Dunnington Parish Council


Allotments are an important asset to a community, they bring people together and provide an important service. For this reason the Parish Council owns and is responsible for allotments on two sites in the Parish.

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There are twenty six plots situated at the Undergate Field site down Pit Lane and four plots on the site on the Green. All the plots on the site at the Green are full plots but many of the plots on the Undergate Field area have been split into half plots which have proved very popular as a smaller plot can be more manageable and may be preferable if, for example, this is the first time taking on an allotment. In total, when full, there are 46 plot holders across both allotments.

The allotment community spirit is felt down at the two sites where plot holders genuinely help out others and feel the responsibility of keeping the sites to a standard expected by the Parish Council.

An Allotment Group was formed in 2021 comprising four Parish Councillors and four plot holders to manage the day to day activities at both sites. Please see the Allotments Terms of Reference (PDF file)

    The allotments have proved very popular but plots do become vacant so a waiting list is kept to allocate in order to anyone who wishes to have an allotment.

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    At the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 14 February 2022 new charges were agreed following a recommendation made by the Allotment Group. This will be only the second increase since 2011.

    The new Allotments charges can be found here: Allotment Charges

    A plan of the Undergate Field Allotments can be found here: Allotments Plan Undergate Field (June 2022) (PDF file)

    The Allotment Terms and Conditions can be found here: Allotments Terms and Conditions 2023 (PDF file)