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Dunnington Parish Council

DMMO - Dunnington Footpath 7 to Common Road

We are sure that many of you will be familiar with, and used, the section of track which

leads from Common Road to the public footpath which goes from Intake Lane to Hagg

Lane via the footbridge behind the Sports Club and the track leading to Strawberry

Cottage. This public footpath is known as Dunnington Footpath 7.

Until very recently the section of track between Common Road and where the public

footpath over the footbridge behind the Sports Club joins the track was private and not

a public footpath.

However following a Public Inquiry held on 11 July 2023 regarding this matter the

Planning Inspector issued their report on 13 September 2023 and determined that the

City of York Council’s Order dated 25 June 2021 to modify the Definitive Footpath Map

and Statement for the area by the addition of this section of footpath be upheld.

This means that the Planning Inspector accepted the City Of York Council’s position

that there was sufficient historical evidence to show that the track had been used by

members of the public over a considerable period of time to determine that the track

should be designated a public right of way and therefore a public footpath.

This section of track will now be formally recognised as a public right of way and the

City of York Council will be working with the landowner to make arrangements to

formally open the footpath and install the appropriate signage for the general public to


The Planning Inspectors report can be found on the Public Right of Way page on the

Dunnington Parish Council website which includes a map showing the route of the
